Original Post - August 14, 2016
We spent a little family time visiting the Indiana State Fair today. I of course brought my camera. The weather had other intentions for our outing. It rained... and rained.
When I was a kid and it rained, my brother Andy and I would look at each other, grab our boots and raincoats and a few buckets and would run outside to go play with the rain as it gushed out of the downspouts. It was like a huge faucet and we would happily fill our buckets and run around in the rain. A recessed area in the backyard or rushing water in the street meant glorious puddle jumping.
This afternoon, thanks to a faulty umbrella and gym shoes that were rapidly taking on water, I was not as keen on jumping in puddles and getting more wet, so I quickly danced around them as best I could.
The animals are always a highlight of the State Fair and my family begrudgingly satisfied my need to admire prize winning farm animals. I'm sure the chance for the family to duck out of the rain was a plus in my favor.
A horse is a horse, of course of course... but it's more special to see them when they are all dressed up at the State Fair.
When my baby smiles at me I go to Rio, DeJaneiro...
Alright, I didn't go to Rio, but I could pretend to go to the Olympics through the display at the Fair.
The Midway always intrigues me: the bright colors and lights, the large signage beckoning me to eat things I shouldn't, and the ever spinning rides all call me to explore. But not this day, the rain had us all soaked, my camera was getting wet but I decided to catch a few shots of the Midway before we left. I'm still capturing the ever falling grains of sand as they pass through my hourglass. It was an AfFair to remember. I was with my family afterall. So I smiled, appreciated my time with them, took a few more pictures and jumped in a puddle.
The sign said Midway as in midway through the fair, but it was time to go.
A fellow fair-goer decides if she should leave the shelter of the tractor pulled shuttle for the pull of the Midway.